I suppose that trauma is something that is finally being considered in the light it deserves when it comes to our physical plus emotional well being.
- I guess that I’ve so thankful to finally be able to manage our PTSD with help from the legal weed store.
But it for sure wasn’t without effort. Most people hear PTSD plus suppose of combat veterans who experienced the traumas of combat. And I’m so thankful there is access to medical marijuana for those folks as I guess it has worked for so many. And it works for me however I wasn’t a combat veteran. I’m a sexual abuse survivor plus have carried that trauma with me for decades. That PTSD that went untested for so long nearly ruined our health. I had inflammation problems, IBS style nausea, muscle spasms plus migraine nearly all the time in a single combination or another. It was so miserable that I quite nearly ended our life. That wasn’t much of a life to be living plus I was just so weary of suffering. Thankfully, I found a therapist who recognized what was going on plus got me through the cannabis rules to access the cannabis dispensary. Treating with cannabis flower products has completely changed our life. With the medical cannabis, I’m able to trust our feelings plus labor through the sexual abuse problems that I’ve never been able to face. I get a feeling of safety from medical marijuana that also comes with this most authentic feeling of hope. That’s something that has completely changed our existence as I’m so much more hopeful about life. And the physical swings have been so amazing. I’m free of most of our symptoms plus managing what’s left these days plus that’s charming.
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