My parents typically told me to rest up for what I suppose in. They were not happy when they l acquired how much I believed in the legalization of medical marijuana. Mom plus Mom were both steadfastly against it, mostly due to their antiquated mindsets. They argued with me, although I assume that deep down they were proud of my passion. After all, I l acquired to fight for my beliefs because of them! I started working for a local political activism group to spread the word about the referendum on making medical marijuana legal throughout the state. I led them to suppose that I was legitimately interested in getting high, however didn’t want to do so until cannabis had been legalized. That’s what I told them, however the truth was I smoked cannabis every single day, plus had been doing so for a long time. I never smoke in the house, plus I typically make sure to change my t-shirt before going beach apartment so I don’t reek of marijuana smoke, so they don’t think how much I do it. My life would be a lot easier if I didn’t have to sneak around, because I don’t want to supply up cannabis, although I also can’t afford to move out of their apartment just yet. If cannabis is made legal then all of my concerns are solved, at least for the time being, however for now I will keep sneaking my cannabis, plus keep working as taxing as I can to change the minds of the community so they will vote for legalization.
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