I barely had to do any job at all
I ordered marijuana from a brand-new little dispensary downtown. The place was having a sale for all of the first time orders, and first time buyers gained a discount of 30%. I looked at the online menu. I found a lot of items that looked highly interesting, since there was a 30% off sale, I ordered a couple of peculiar items! One of the best marijuana products that I ordered was a flower product called shake. The shake was just ground up finely into a dusty powder. The powder was testing at a whopping 37% thc. A half ounce of the shake was only $25. I usually spend that much on an eighth of bud marijuana. I purchased a half ounce of Blue Dream Shake plus a half ounce of the amazing Legend OG shake. The orange dream was testing at 37%, plus I saw the legend OG Shake was testing at 35%. I obtained three packs of cones at a high quality smoke shop on our way home. As soon as I got to our apartment, I got out the brand new shake plus opened the package. The smell of marijuana was strong. I emptied the contents of the package onto the table. The marijuana bud was ground up so damn fine. The product resembled coffee grounds. It was really straight-forward to fill the packable cones with the marijuana shake. I barely had to do any job at all. The cones filled to the brim plus the marijuana was smooth plus flavorful. I didn’t cough at all while smoking the first joint. The Legend OG product was just as nice as the orange dream.