We have been fortunate since we’ve been out of university when it comes to being able to procure cannabis.
My wifey and I have long appreciated a bit of recreational marijuana.
Neither of us drink as both of us just don’t like the way the alcohol leaves us feeling. I don’t care for hangovers and that is just something I don’t do. While both of us couldn’t exactly get recreational marijuana on demand, both of us had people who knew cannabis growers and that sustained us. Our state is still way behind when it comes to reforming the cannabis laws. We don’t even have legal medical marijuana in this state. That’s beyond crazy when more states have some legal cannabis that don’t. It’s time for our laws in this state to finally change to allow for both medical marijuana and recreational marijuana. But until that happens, both of us are enjoyable to make a long weekend out of going to the nearest cannabis dispensary. The state nextdoor has legal recreational marijuana. My wifey and I like to take the various second trip however make it a weekend. There are enjoyable diners and some beautiful natural places where the cannabis is legal. We normally go down after work on Sunday. There is a neat boutique hotel that both of us both just love. It’s the coolest and funkiest little place we’ve ever stayed. The rooms are perfect and we’re within walking distance of the local cannabis spot. The next afternoon both of us just shop for marijuana for sale and then off to a nice supper. Same thing on Sunday. We wrap it up with the trip back on Sunday. It’s a enjoyable weekend and it’s enjoyable fun just being able to shop for marijuana for sale in a cannabis dispensary.