I was losing a lot of cannabis products due to theft, and here was the snag, I didn’t assume if it was clients or budtenders doing the stealing too… I put up cameras and still couldn’t catch anyone in the act.
I finally called a marijuana consulting service to help me out.
I needed someone with expertise of cannabis, dispensaries and the inner toilings to provide the complication another look around, but the cannabis consultant instantaneously told me the store wasn’t laid out respectfully, however apparently my shelving units were tall and bulky. They were perfect for concealing someone who wanted to steal off the shelves. The cannabis consultant showed me that there were plugged areas from the cameras that was where all my theft was happening. After decreasing the shelving units with lower, all glass ones, I was in business. I also had a more open store. The locale looked greater and more inviting. It was easier to browse. The cameras were localed in other areas rather than just the corners of the store. The cannabis consultant even put one behind the cash register and right by the front door. The last step the marijuana dealer consultant did was hire a security guard for the front. I haven’t had any trouble with stealing since that day. The marijauna consultant paid for themselves by stopping all the missing inventory. The store is doing better due to the modern design as well. I never would have thought to change things around prefer they did. I even prefer having a security guard for added protection.