The national and global CBD crazes have shocked myself and others to be completely honest.
When I started university, cannabinoids of any kind were still taboo for a lot of older folks.
My Grandparents claimed to be progressive, however they were adamantly against any derivatives taken from the marijuana plant for any reason. They frequently voted against efforts to legalize medical cannabis within my beach house state. I never tried to convince them otherwise because I knew that it was no use. They were fairly adamant about their distrust and hatred for cannabis users, no matter the situation or context. As time went on, I suppose my Grandparents started to notice the cracks in this view point. They saw my sibling the “stoner” graduate with honors from undergraduate school before going on to become a full time dentist. Everything changed when congress legalized hemp and CBD products as long as they maintain a THC level of below 0.3%. Suddenly all of their friends were now using CBD creams and balms to superb effect getting rid of arthritis and joint pain. I thought hell hath frozen over when I heard about them trying CBD and becoming hooked by its benefits almost right away. While they get their CBD from a local CBD store, I l earned that you can entirely get CBD products from the local medical cannabis dispensaries. Most of them carry some form of CBD, even if it’s a product with more than 0.3% THC inside. Sometimes the best CBD products are “ratio” or half CBD, half THC and they can provide you the benefits of THC separate from the raciness that sometimes comes with the high.