I started noticing elevated anxiety symptoms in high university, but our parents urged me it was completely normal for someone our age to believe the way I did.
As much as I appreciate them trying to reassure me that there was nothing “wrong” with our head, I could have benefitted from mental health help when I was a teenager.
I suffered for years before I finally sought out therapy and medication in university. If I hadn’t acted when I did, I certainly would have failed our classes and dropped out of university, then the medical professional suggested an effective medication that provided me the immediate relief I needed while group and one on one therapy both helped bigly after I started going every week. I believe fortunate that our university had all of these services for free gave to all students, regardless of your financial situation. While I still take the medication I was first prescribed back in undergraduate university, I find that it’s no longer sufficient at alleviating our mental health symptoms that plague me on a bi-weekly basis. That’s why I started using CBD products as I discovered on a whim one day how effective they are melting away our stress and anxiety on high doses. A buddy of mine let me share a CBD flower joint with him and I immediately felt both pain and anxiety relief unlike what I’m used to with normal cannabis that is high in THC. In fact, lots of traditional cannabis gives me way too much anxiety for me to be able to use them officially. Instead, I buy our CBD products from a great hemp contractor that is out west.