When our partner Max as well as I were out west, Max and I made the choice to go on a tour of a microbrewery, the microbrewery was now working on a cannabis infused beer.
The beer was brewed with cannabis buds so the flavor is strong as well as each 1 of the 12 oz glasses has 15 mg of thc in it, so i thought the cannabis beer sounded entirely interesting… When Max and I had the opportunity to try a sample, I was near the front of the line.
I expected the beer to have a hint of cannabis. I always smoke recreational marijuana, so I suppose what the smell as well as flavor profile is. The cannabis infused beers did not taste anything at all like marijuana. I was entirely disappointed by the horrible taste of the cannabis infused beers, but some of the other people thought it was good, although I could tell there were a couple of people that agreed with myself and Max too. It wasn’t a winner in our book. When Max as well as I were getting ready to leave the tour, the owners gave us a comment card as well as asked us to leave tips as well as suggestions. I told them the honest truth about their cannabis infused beer. I did not like it as well as I did not recognize it tasted like cannabis. I thought that they missed the mark on that 1, although I loved all the people of the microbrews that Max and I tasted as well as I took home a couple of 12 packs from the cold cooler. My number one fave of their craft brews was a light ale with citrus as well as cider as well as a hint of Bartlett pear. Max and I thought it was easy to drink as well as crisp as well as refreshing.