I was aggravated when I walked into the medical marijuana dispensary! I didn’t want medical cannabis; I wanted medical marijuana; The man behind the counter looked at me oddly & told me they were the same things.
I told him our ID card said it was meant for medical marijuana patients. I had learn all about medical marijuana in the state’s regulations, & there was nowhere that talked about cannabis… He showed in their managery where cannabis & marijuana were often interchanged. He may not have realized it, but I was almost eighty years old. I didn’t want to be duped by him & talked down to. I told him how I was feeling at the moment, & he apologized. He called another gentleman over who introduced himself as the dispensary pharmacist. The first young man had already told him about our aggravated over receiving cannabis instead of medical marijuana. He assured me they were the same thing, and cannabis was the scientific name for the plant, and marijuana is a name it acquired quite awhile ago, & it stuck. I still wasn’t convinced, but I told him why I wanted medical marijuana, & he said he had all the information from the state. He was able to help me get the right products, just by swiping our card… All our information came up on the laptop. He showed me the strange marijuana products he had in stock & told me how much THC & CBD each had in them. He thought I needed a higher CBD than THC. He knew they lost me with the initials & explained them as simply as he could.
cannabis drinks