Growing up in a home with domestic violence can make a person feel PTSD symptoms, guilt, sadness, and anxiety. These symptoms do not go away when you get older. They only become much worse. I grew up in a home with a lot of domestic violence and I suffer from anxiety and PTSD as an adult. One thing that helps me feel more relaxed and calm is Medical marijuana. I can purchase medical and recreational marijuana from one of many different dispensaries in the area. Each one of the marijuana shops have different products that can help a person feel better mentally and physically. I didn’t believe in the power of medical marijuana until I had a doctor that absolutely believed that medical marijuana would help me. The doctor was convinced and I decided to try it. I started off with a low dose edible. I slept better at night and I had less anxiety during the day. When I added a second dose of medical marijuana in the morning, I had a much more calm and relaxed day with less stress, worry, and fear. It’s very easy to see how medical marijuana works for PTSD and anxiety. I feel like I finally have my life back. Anxiety and worry used to control me, but I feel like I have more control now that I am using medical marijuana to treat these terrible mental health symptoms. I understand why so many people rely on medical marijuana to help them get through the day.