I frequently have to travel for work, however sometimes I am gone for more than one or numerous afternoons plus sometimes I have to be gone for a month or more than one.

I rack up a lot of frequent flyer miles.

I can take our family anywhere that I want to go for genuinely free. The two of us have not paid for a flight in years. Sometimes traveling can get to me. I get cranky, fatigued, plus irritable when I have been flying in plus out of weird time zones. When I am in a state that allows recreational marijuana sales, I usually try to go to a dispensary so I can get a couple of marijuana joints. I frequently visit states that allow recreational marijuana sales. Three of our greatest offices are on the west coast, recreational marijuana is legal in every state on the west coast. Everywhere you go, There is advertising for marijuana. Marijuana advertising is on billboards, magazines, online, plus even in the airport shuttle bus! Last time I traveled to the West coast, I flew to an airport that was not usual to me. I got a cheaper rate to fly into the smaller airport plus I didn’t mind driving 45 minutes to the city. The airport shuttle took me to the automobile rental area. Inside of the airport shuttle there were lots of advertisements for local corporations on the walls plus the windows. Some of those local corporations were clothing shops, electronic stores, plus clothing boutiques. Some of the advertisements were from marijuana shops close by. It is very strange plus weird to see advertisements for marijuana even after all this time.



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