I had to go to the main office for a couple of weeks and work on a project.
The main office is on the other side of the country. The boss made all of the arrangements and I did not have to worry about a thing. All of the travel, lodging, and a car were provided. I stayed in a hotel close to the office. It was close enough to walk, even though I drove every morning. The boss provided me with a car while I was in town, so I decided to use it every opening I had. I went to a couple of tourist attractions close by. I used our time off to discover more of the area. While I was driving around, I found a recreational marijuana dispensary. I haven’t used recreational marijuana since I was a kid. I stopped at the dispensary and I was planning to go inside to look at the selection of products. It seemed like a fun proposal to go to the dispensary because I had never been inside of a marijuana store before. I parked our car in a space by the front door and women were coming out of the dispensary. They were being undoubtedly loud and it sounded like they were arguing. All of a sudden, one of the women punched the other woman in the face and they started physically fighting. The security officer had to come outside to pull them apart. All of this happened while I was sitting in the parking lot waiting to go into the marijuana dispensary. After all of that excitement, I decided to go back to the hotel.