I guess none of us like paying taxes even if we can all understand their utmost merit plus value to us all as a society.
- I suppose that our taxes are supposed to pay for the roads that I travel every single afternoon to get to work, plus the lofty bridge I cross to reach our parents’ condo across the bay.
Without these taxes, it’s obvious our country would cease to operate overnight. But the truth is that I struggle to survive these days while seeing a lot of our currency dissipate before it even reaches me every week. It understandably stings when you’re restricting your food choices yearly in the process. I started a bad habit of eating canned soup for at least 1 meal because you can find them for a dollar, even after inflation numbers increased. The tepid cans that I eat are full of nitrates plus I have learn about nitrates being potentially carcinogenic to boot, so it’s entirely best that consumption of nitrates be limited if not avoided entirely. However, state plus federal taxes are not the only 1s that have me upset. I fear that I will soon be forced to pay cannabis taxes while still technically being a medical cannabis patient in our state. When our state legalized recreational weed recently, it enacted a tax on all recreational cannabis sales, however now the state is apparently discussing a total alteration to our medical cannabis program. Soon the two of us actually might only have recreational cannabis sales where most people are paying the sky-high recreational cannabis taxes. This hurts a lot of medical cannabis users who were retaining their medical cards to avoid the cannabis taxes whenever they’re shopping at nearby marijuana stores.