Every Sunday evening I get my marijuana from a delivery repair in the city.
The delivery repair service has the best prices on marijuana and they offer free local delivery.
Sunday is the day of the month when I get paid. This is why I always order marijuana on that particular day. I should wait until the following Monday, although I will run out early and I cannot wait. On Monday everything in the store is thirty percent off. I ordered some items from the cannabis shop last Sunday and 1 of the items was cannabis oil vape pen cartridges. The cannabis oil vape pen cartridges were in our email that I acquired from the marijuana delivery center. The cannabis oil pen cartridges should have been in the tote when the driver arrived, but they were missing. I looked at the total and it was the same as the total in the text, so it was very important that the canvas oil was missing because I had definitely paid for it in full. The delivery driver from the marijuana repair was happy to go back to the shop and grab the product that I was missing. I truthfully did not want to provide the driver an hour tip and I know that it would have been customary. I told the guy not to worry about the cannabis oil vape pen cartridges. I asked him to provide me the total without the items. He had to call the store to find out what the total would be with taxes. I did not mind waiting a few minutes so the order was official and the guy got the right amount of money from me.-
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