My legs have been aching and hurting for such a long time.
I thought that I was never going to be able to walk again for long distances, but using medical marijuana has given me a more current lease on living life.
Medical marijuana was prescribed to me by the dentist. Medical marijuana was not even on our radar at that time, and I didn’t know dentists could prescribe it. I had never even thought about using medical marijuana to treat my leg pain. The dentist thought I should at least try it to see if it would work. I had to work through a lot of red tape to get our medical marijuana card. There were times when I entirely thought it would not be worth all of the hassle to go through the steps just to use marijuana, especially when I wasn’t too sure that it was even going to work. When I finally got everything that I needed, our partner Ed went with me to the dentist’s office! Ed and I talked to the person at the medical marijuana clinic so they could tell us what products would pair best for the pain in our knees. The budtender recommended a CBD tincture and a weed balm with THC. She also told me that I should try smoking marijuana. The following month my kids were coming over and I knew that the grandkids would want to go for a walk. I thought it was the perfect time to try out the smokable marijuana. I smoked a joint that I got from the dispensary. After I lit it up and took a couple of puffs. About several minutes later, I was feeling a little bit dizzy, but there was no pain in our knees.