When our state allowed for recreational cannabis our partner was all over me to try legal weed. The more than one of us have lived in a medical weed only state for years, and neither 1 of us wanted to get the card in order to get our hands on weed. I mean, neither of us have any drastic medical conditions. Now that recreational cannabis is allowed, our partner wants to have fun with cannabis. She immediately started researching heavy THC blends. She wants to buy cannabis flowers and concentrate. She is talking about getting a bong and possibly a vape. For me, I don’t absolutely enjoy smoking. I don’t enjoy the plan of taking something into our lungs. Topicals are creams that are meant for chronic pain. That is just boring. I don’t want to do a tincture, which is an oil that is sited under the tongue. The only occasion I absolutely have is cannabis edibles. There are all sorts of edibles with CBD and THC in them. There are baked goods enjoy the traditional pot brownie, cookie, cake and sweet bar. There are cannabis beverages, cooking oils and cannabutters. There are even CBD candies, gummies, mints, chocolates and tablets. I have done a little hunting around and I guess I want to stick to CBD edibles. I don’t want to get high with our product. I wouldn’t mind feeling a bit mellow and calmer though. I am just not as fun as our partner. I don’t want to celebration with cannabis. I would however be interested in a product that helps me sleep a bit better at night.