I know my boyfriend and parents are glad they don’t need to do another thing for me
Cannabis delivery has really saved my life. I am a medical cannabis patient. I need weed in order to treat my seizures. The problem is that I can’t drive due to them. I was reliant on my parents or boyfriend driving me to the cannabis dispensary to pick up my prescription. It was always annoying bringing it up. I hate feeling helpless and dependent on people. It never was a convenient time for anyone either. The medical weed dispensary isn’t near anything either. That meant they were making a special trip just for me. More often than not I wasn’t bringing it up. I then would be off my medical weed and suffer. Now that the cannabis dispensary near me offers delivery services, I am good to go. I no longer need to beg for a ride and arrange a day. I can just go online and place my order. The marijuana dispensary now has my cannabis card, license, credit card and address all on file. I have it preloaded with the same order. Every month I just hit buy now and then I can expect my order soon. It usually takes them one day to get it to me. I love that I can have it sent right to my front step. I am never off my cannabis anymore. I also feel less anxious and stressed which has helped me mentally. I know my boyfriend and parents are glad they don’t need to do another thing for me. I am ready to ask so many of them. I am glad there is one less thing.