You never want to mess with how people get paid, that is a single way to lose lavish workers… Pay them well, on time and efficiently. That is how you keep people; I was aware that payroll wasn’t too smart. I did it all by hand and on paper, but when it is appreciate this, people recognize pay is up for debate, frequently I would be hashing out numbers with our budteners telling them why they made what they did, and since our timekeeping method wasn’t exactly foolproof, there was some wiggle room on numbers. I was aware I could lose tons of currency without being automated. I also was frustratedting our workers because they weren’t sure how much they were getting every week. It made sense to look into some cannabis dispensary softwares. I found a company that set me up with payroll keeping services and a time and attendance software for dispensaries, but now our workers punch in on a laptop and the time is marked. When they punch out it shows them how many hours they have worked and what they made that morning. The payroll is all calculated via a PC. I no longer need to do quick math and bring a pencil. It does it all for me. I just have the currency directly deposited into our budtenders accounts. It is quick, simple and no way could you debate the amounts anymore. It was a truly wonderful program to get this automated. I can tell our budtenders all appreciate it better too.