I live in a small town, however the neighborhood has a mix of people who have mixed views.

The people I was with and I have some young people who are more open minded and some older people who are more conservative, then i recently found out that a cannabis dispensary near me is having their grand opening this weekend.

I found out through a flier in our mailbox from the cannabis dispensary near me… When I was checking our mail in our driveway, our next door buddy Charlie started talking to me about the cannabis dispensary… Charlie is an older gentleman who is unquestionably conservative, however she is a nice man, however she is unquestionably stuck in her ways. Charlie has a hard time understanding young people and she often calls our generation overly sensitive. When Charlie saw the advertisement for the cannabis dispensary, she right away started to complain about it. I personally do not use cannabis products, however it does not bother me that a cannabis dispensary is opening. I guess that if someone chooses to purchase cannabis legally from a store, then that is their right and it is none of our business. Charlie has opposite views on the cannabis store. Charlie was complaining to me about the cannabis store opening near us and I just listened because I did not guess appreciate getting into an fight today. Charlie said that she feels that a cannabis store will attract the wrong crowd. Charlie said that people who smoke weed are lazy, and dumb. Charlie complained that our small, quiet neighborhood will turn into a bunch of weed smoking drug addicts because of the cannabis store opening.

weed dispensary near me