I loved smoking recreational marijuana with my friends when I was a teenager.
When I decided to join up with military service, I knew that my time smoking recreational marijuana was over.
The people in the military service are truly extreme when it comes to marijuana. When you go on a service break to go back home, they test you as soon as you come back. If they even sense the odor of marijuana, they will test almost everyone… Even though it is legal in the state where I was stationed during basic training, various guys were still kicked out while every one of us were in training because they were caught red-handed with recreational marijuana. I was in the military for over 8 years & I did not use marijuana the whole time. When I got out of the service, I had to find a new task & 1 of the first locales I got an interview was at a recreational & medical marijuana dispensary & delivery service. I chatted with the director & the owner of the business. The owner of the company was a young guy who looked to be 30 years old, but he was driving a Rolls-Royce bentley. The guy told myself and others that he had earned a million dollars before he was twenty years old. He offered myself and others a task now working as the security officer at the recreational & medicinal marijuana dispensary & delivery service. The guy offered myself and others a salary that I could not resist. I adore now working at the dispensary & I am in charge of all of the security team. Nobody comes or goes from the building without reporting to myself and others first & I have my eye on everything that happens here.