There are particular things in life that automatically show that you are old, then i am now happy to go to the great grocery store in town.

It is 10 minutes further in both directions but they have better produce.

How exciting! A wild date night for my fiance and I is going to the local diner and then being back in bed by 9pm, then we don’t drink to get drunk anymore. We also don’t smoke recreational weed anymore. When recreational cannabis came to our state, the two of us were in our 20s. It was fun to try all the bizarre strains of cannabis and get super high. I started experimenting with cannabutters and cannabis oils and making my own edibles. I was always bringing pot brownies, space cakes or THC infused cookies to a party, and now the several of us are medical weed patients, however my fiance vapes a cannabis oil before bed so that he can sleep. It doesn’t have THC, but it just makes him tired now. I use a tincture for sleep. It is a few drops under the tongue and it soothes my mind, but that is all the cannabis use going on in our house. I entirely guess old that I use weed for medical reasons now. There was a time that my friends automatically assumed that I would use my medical weed card to get all sorts of goodies to share. Nope, I ration my medical weed since it is so pressing to me. I would not waste it getting high at a party.



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