As usual the Neighborhood Watch meeting devolved into a pot party.

This happens every time! I am not complaining, because it’s honestly the only reason I attend these meetings.

In the old days they were so boring. Then Old Man Jenkins moved down south, and a newcomer named Ed took over running the Neighborhood Watch. In addition to being a nice guy and a good neighbor, Ed is also the manager of the local cannabis dispensary. I first met him months ago, long before he moved to my neighborhood, in the regular course of getting stoned. I smoke a lot of weed, and I try to check out all the local cannabis dispensaries once in a while. Once a month Ed invites us all over to his house to discuss any points of interest, and to smoke a little recreational cannabis as well. The first time I went to one of his meetings I was taken aback, as I think many other people were. Ed was smoking a pre-rolled cannabis joint when he opened the door. His whole house had the pleasant skunky smell of high end marijuana. To Ed smoking cannabis wasn’t something to be ashamed of or hidden away, he was proud of it! Nobody else brought cannabis to the meeting, because none of us expected it to turn into a pot party! Since then, I never show up to a Neighborhood Watch meeting without some kind of cannabis product to share with the group. Thanks to Ed and his cannabis supply, I will never miss another one of these meetings ever again.

