I told my mom that she should try to use CBD products, because they can help alleviate stress and anxiety.
I knew that marijuana would help too, but I also knew that there was absolutely no way that I would ever talk my mom into using marijuana products.
I got my medical marijuana card a year ago and I know my mom can’t see a huge difference in my pain levels. I’ve had a lot more energy and I have taken the kids over there more times to see her recently than I have in a while. The weather was really nice last weekend, so I took the kids over to my mom’s house so they could play in the backyard. While I was inside with my mom, we talked about CBD products. I told my mom that she should let me order some items from the dispensary and she told me that she would watch the kids if I would go to the store to pick them up. I wanted to have them delivered, but that made my mom absolutely paranoid that everyone in town would know that she was using drugs. I tried to explain to my mom that CBD is not a drug, but I was really just happy that she decided to say yes. I bought a couple of different CBD products for my mom to try. I bought some CBD gummies, a tincture, and tablets. I honestly didn’t know which product my mom would prefer. It didn’t take long at the dispensary, because everything was ready when I arrived. When I got back to the house, I sat down with my mom and we talked about the different types of CBD products.