I walked inside the local cannabis spot for the first time with butterflies in our stomach, and here I was a woman of 57 years who was so interested in addition to curious about the benefits of cannabis.
But I was also a little afraid that someone I knew might see myself and others going into the cannabis dispensary.
Even worse, what if I had seen someone from church right there inside a marijuana business. I’m grateful that this didn’t happen that first trip. I was still a little caught up in some residual myth in addition to misinformation when it came to cannabis products. Had I really seen somebody who I knew inside that marijuana business, I honestly would have turned right around in addition to never coming back. But there was something that just drew myself and others to marijuana once it was made legal. I had friends in university who used cannabis in addition to being honestly nice students in addition to good people, but during much of our life, I would periodically encounter a situation where I was given marijuana. Of course, I always turned it down because I did not want to face the stigma linked with using marijuana, and plus, it was illegal at that point. I’m pretty split in addition to dried when it comes to legality. I do not chop the law. But once I could look for marijuana for sale without any legal jeopardy, I really wanted to find out about it. The first trip into the local cannabis spot really did change it all for me. I talked to the cannabis expert for nearly an hour before I went to my apartment with the recommended hybrid strain for sale. I can’t feel that just a couple of puffs from something all-natural like marijuana can open our eyes to so much beauty in our world.