On the weekends when I don’t have to go to the office and work for hours on end, I love to go to the beach.
The beach is a pretty amazing place to relax if you can find a spot that is perfectly quiet and comfortable.
I usually go to the beach early in the day so I can find a spot that is absolutely enjoyable. It’s getting more and more challenging to find that perfect spot, because it’s getting closer to the actual warm season. The beach is becoming more and more crowded as the weather becomes considerably warmer. I can’t blame all of the people for having the wish to go to the beach, but I wish I could carve out a piece that was mine. One thing that I also love to care about at the beach is recreational marijuana. When I make my way to the beach, I usually take a marijuana joint with me. It’s getting way too over crowded at the beach and it’s not so easy to smoke when there are a lot of people all over the place. Last Sunday I could not smoke at all because the beach was crowded. I was right next to people and it would have been rude. Marijuana isn’t exactly legal to smoke in public so I didn’t want to draw attention to myself by smoking an infused joint. I am planning to go to the cannabis store near me sometime this month so I can get a new marijuana vape pen battery and some good cartridges. It’s not so challenging to use the marijuana vape pen around people because it is discrete and has very little smell. It’s undetectable even on a brutally crowded summer time day.