Every few afternoons my nice friend Max and I were hearing complaints about the website for the cannabis shop.
I knew that it was hard to find and that some of the links were broken, however I did not know who to hire to help us out.
When Max and I opened the cannabis dispensary, her older sibling was helping us out with all of the technical internet stuff. All I knew how to do was grow cannabis. Max did not know much more about the internet side of things either. When Max and I got into an immense confrontation with her sibling, he stopped helping us with the cannabis site and Max and I had to find someone else. After getting 100 complaints in one weekend, we finally said that enough is enough. I called around town and found an SEO business that could help us improve the old website. The SEO business did not know a lot about cannabis dispensaries, however I promised to help them with any questions they had. Our old site was hard to navigate and people were only searching two or three pages before they were leaving. I undoubtedly had to change those statistics. The longer a person or customer stays on a site, the more likely they are to order a product or spend currency. I told the SEO team that it was vital to make changes that were going to increase company at the cannabis dispensary and the SEO business owner told me that they were going to help. Just a small number of afternoons later, Max and I had the first mock-ups of the new site. Max and I got five unusual styles to choose from and then they started toiling away on the search engine optimization.