My best friend Alex got a medical marijuana card from the state, however she is super stoked about it.

Now she finally has access to any of the local dispensaries. All it cost him was $700, which is what the government charges for the card. That’s $700 per year, not a one-time fee. Alex encouraged me to get a card of my own, and I told him “you show me the magical money tree where I can get $700 and I’ll get the card.” Weed is really luxurious enough to smoke habitually, so finally paying that much extra money was completely out of the question. For $700 I could actually buy four ounces of cannabis from Jimbo, the high university child that sells weed from the back of her station wagon. Four ounces of cannabis is enough to keep me stoned for months on end! If I were to do it the legal way, I wouldn’t really have enough money left over to buy cannabis, because I would have paid it all to the government. If I ever start making more money, and have $700 to spare I would actually get my cannabis Rx card, just so I could start trying new products and forms of weed. Alex is particularly generous with the cannabis products she gets at the dispensary, and shares them with me from time to time. I simply appreciate the cannabis edibles they sell, and cannabis oil is pretty amazing to use in my vape pen. I’m simply sure there are dozens of cannabis products I haven’t actually heard about! Until that fee is eliminated, I will never know the joys of shopping in another real cannabis dispensary.


medical weed dispensary