Everyone simply loves weed. It’s the best thing you can smoke, always giving you a sense of fun and freedom, and building stronger bonds between people who get high together. In general, potheads are going to be some of the coolest, most chill people you will ever meet… Potheads don’t get aggressive, they don’t bully people or start trouble. Potheads are also relaxed and laid back. While this is true for people who use cannabis products, it is not true for the farmers who grow the marijuana plants. Cannabis farmers are sometimes ruthless company people, because they have a product that can make them millions of dollars a year. I am not talking about the people who run the cannabis dispensaries, I‘m talking about the farmers, tending secret crops deep in the wilderness, and willing to protect their various marijuana plants with violence. I watched a fascinating documentary about the rural cannabis farmers of Kentucky on Youtube, and it totally blew my mind that time! These guys do not smoke cannabis themselves, they just grow it and sell it, and god help your soul if you try to steal from them. Personally I’m really cheerful to never have to deal with that stuff, because I have several local cannabis dispensaries who are polite, kind, and cheerful to see me whenever I stop by. It serves as a stark reminder that no matter how legal marjuana is, or how straight-forward it is to acquire, there is a dark side behind it. Maybe someone should make a horror film, like TEXAS Chainsaw Massacre, only about a family of crazy cannabis farmers. I’d pay to see that!

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