I only joined the book club to get closer to Martha. This is a small neighborhood, and there aren’t a lot of community events. Around here most people keep to themselves. I had talked to Martha a few times in passing, so I knew she was a widow, like I was a widower. We had both lost spouses, and quite frankly I thought Martha was super hot for a woman her age. I wanted to ask her out, but was too shy, so instead I joined her book club to get to know her. My first time going I showed up a little early and found Martha in her driveway smoking some cannabis. I was shocked, but also relieved, because I indulge in cannabis on a regular basis. This was one more thing we had in common! After the book club meeting I floated the idea of hosting the next one at the cannabis dispensary. She thought I was kidding, but then I explained how the cannabis shop recently opened a smokers lounge which would make a perfect reading room. I know the manager of the cannabis shop, because I go in there so often, and he offered to reserve the room for me for a few hours. The next meeting of the book club happened in the back room of the cannabis dispensary, and it was a lot of fun. I bought a round of cannabis edibles for everyone who attended, and by the time the meeting ended we were all giggly and stoned. Now I am one step closer to getting with Matha!


Marijuana flower