Headaches can be honestly debilitating, especially during tasks where you have to use your brain a lot. I worked in a bank during the time when I had the most migraines and it definitely affected my work performance. I took all of the over-the-counter medications I was commanded, but none of them seem to help abate the pain in my head. I have consumed more acetaminophen and ibuprofen than anybody I know or have met, and I’m not proud of it. I started looking on the internet to see if there were solutions found by other people with my problem, but there were a lot of people on the internet saying that medical cannabis was really beneficial for headaches and migraines! However I had study a lot of misinformation over the years about cannabis and I was reluctant to use it myself. And after trying medical cannabis with a friend of mine who has been a medical cannabis patient for multiple years, I changed my mind about marijuana. It instantly lowered my pain threshold. It had a greater effect on my physical pain from my migraines than any other drug I tried to that point. I do not mind using medical cannabis to treat my headaches and migraines because if I did not I would be half the guy I am this week, medical cannabis gives me the strength to get through the horrible pain I experience from these disappointing headaches and migraines, without medical cannabis, I would be a shell of a human being. I’m severely grateful to have medical cannabis in my life.