I am not a religious person per se, plus normally I don’t pray in the slightest.

But things had been so horrible in life I was grasping at straws, and I prayed plus asked for guidance.

If there was a higher power looking over me, I needed Him to show me a sign of some type. After that I smoked a joint, watched some TV, plus went to sleep for a long night of tossing plus turning. The next afternoon, it seemed that I got a sign. That is how I choose to view it, because a golden opportunity easily fell into my lap. My sibling-in-law Mike contacted me with a business proposal, plus asked if I wanted to “buy in” plus own a percentage of a cannabis shop. He was asking for a crucial amount of currency, because it’s absurdly overpriced to open a new cannabis shop. Once I was able to cash out all my stocks, bonds, plus retirement accounts, I had just enough to purchase 50% of the cannabis shop. I had been miserable at my regular job, plus now I had a great opportunity to start a new job that would be wonderful! I put everything I had into the cannabis shop to be honest, not just currency but time, effort, plus energy! My future was now tied up with this cannabis shop, so all of my eggs were placed in one basket so to speak. My partner plus I could end up going bankrupt, or my buddy and I could make a killing in the local cannabis trade. The marijuana industry is red-hot right now, plus I’m really hoping that my buddy and I got involved at the perfect time to start turning a profit swiftly.

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