I simply hate going to work with my wife.

She is an executive with a law degree in a big deal company.

That’s so not my thing. It’s sort of crazy that we are so completely and utterly compatible given how different our work is. I’m a creative type and I make most of my money writing. I also enjoy using recreational marijuana as a way to get my creative process sort of going. Actually, my wife and I met because of recreational marijuana. We were at the same party in college where the hosts were attempting to make pot brownies. As the host was about to dump a bunch of beautiful, cannabis bud into the brownie mix, we simultaneously reached out to stop him. It was actually quite funny that we were the only ones at that party who knew how to make a proper pot brownie. We realized that night that there was some chemistry. And just went with that feeling even though we are so different. Some 20 years later and it’s still working. Yet, there are times when I’m obligated to attend or host work events for my wife. This socializing aspect of her business sort of sickens me. I have a hard time being around people who are always calculating but pretend to be authentic. So when I have to be at these things, I make sure that I stop by the local cannabis spot first. That’s where I load up on cannabis edibles of the sativa strain variety. This keeps me smiling and focused on my wife not on all the other little trolls present.



portland recreational cannabis dispensary