My child had a sleepover last weekend and a bunch of her friends came to stay at the house.
The weather has been legitimately nice and sunny, so the kids spent a lot of time outside in the pool.
In the middle of the night on Thursday, someone came to wake me up. I don’t remember which one of my daughter’s friends came to knock on the door, but she was upset and frantic. My child was trying to be cool in front of her friends. She decided to eat an entire pot brownie. My partner and I keep pop brownies in the house, because sometimes we like to get high. We are adults after all and it is legal in this state! All of the kids know that they aren’t supposed to touch the marijuana supplies that are in the refrigerator and all of our kids are old enough to know the rules. Our child decided to eat a whole pot brownie and she overdosed on marijuana. She had way too much and she was throwing up and legitimately sick to her stomach. His friends thought that he was going to die from the marijuana brownie, but I knew that she was going to be just fine. I ended up sending all of the kids back to their hosts and I called their parents in the middle of the night. I was concerned about my own child and didn’t entirely care if they were not happy because they had to pick up their kids right and early on Thursday day.