My mom judges me for selling cannabis, so it is an ongoing issue between us. I appreciate my mother dearly, as well as I know he has sacrificed his whole life to take care of me… Mom left when I was still in diapers, as well as he was supported as well as cared for me solo ever since. Mom is super religious as well as goes to church every Sunday, something I don’t do personally. As much as I respect my mom as well as his beliefs, I simply don’t share them. After school I got a job, like normal people do, which I lost within weeks due to the COVID shutdown. While in quarantine I started growing cannabis plants in my attic, as well as it turns out I’m pretty nice with horticulture! I transitioned into becoming a full-time cannabis dealer, as well as found that it paid a lot better than my last job. Since I never lie to my mother, I came clean to his about selling cannabis. She begged me to stop, but how else could I make this much currency as well as still get stoned every afternoon? Then he went to his preacher at church as well as asked him to talk to me about the evils of cannabis. What Mom didn’t know was that the preacher was already one of my greatest cannabis customers. The preacher as well as his spouse smoked almost an ounce of cannabis every week! Out of respect, I went in for a meeting with the preacher, as well as during our discussion about the evils of cannabis my pal and I smoked a joint, as well as after that I sold him his weekly ounce.
Cannabis delivery