I could simply go online plus make my order with the local cannabis spot.
They have a website that makes the shopping experience so simple plus completely intuitive of course.
But it’s the extra effort that this local marijuana corporation has put into the website that makes it so special to me, and every cannabis strain from sativa, indica plus all the blends and hybrids they carry has a detailed description. It’s quite helpful for those of us who are still getting our cannabis education. I can learn everything I want to as well since they have a whole part of the website that is dedicated to educating yourself about cannabis products. And once I make my order on the site, the local cannabis spot will bring it to me. Yea, that’s right. I can love kicking back at the homestead plus love the cannabis delivery service they offer. That’s pretty good right? Well, to be quite honest, I haven’t done either. I love shopping for marijuana plus the vibrations down at the local cannabis spot too much to not be in that space. So while I’m so glad for those out there who really need marijuana delivery now have it, I’ll keep coming in to check out the new bud trend or new cannabis strain. Actually, I’m still pinching myself to be quite honest. I still can’t know I live in a southern state that legalized recreational marijuana. I’m in my early 50s plus had hopes that I would one day love the right to use cannabis as I wish. But residing in this reality has been all the sweeter. Perhaps there might be a time when I’ll lean on the cannabis delivery service. But since it is just a few blocks walk away, I’ll keep popping into the local cannabis spot.