During the three years when covid was a problem, there were no concerts or activities that involved large groups or crowds. I used to go to a concert at least once every month with my friends or family. I’ve seen about 500 different bands play live. I’ve seen all of the alternative bands that play on the radio at least once. Unfortunately, covid stopped all of the band performances and I was forced to sit at home alone. My friends and I would play video games on the playstation. We all have an internet hook up, so we can play together even though we are not in the same house. I was very happy and pleased when most of the covid restrictions were dropped. I knew that meant activities with my friends and large groups of people. About 2 months ago, my friends and I went to our first concert in 3 years. We went to see one of our favorite bands play. The concert was down south, about 3 hours away from our home. My friends and I did not care who was going to drive. We were all excited about going to the concert. On our way to the venue, Jack suggested we stop at a medical and recreational marijuana shop. It sounded like a good idea to me, because recreational marijuana makes everything better. I bought a couple of recreational marijuana joints and we smoked them in the car during the 3-hour drive. The concert was a ton of fun, but I was completely and totally stoned all night long.