Membership has its privileges – I remember that from an old TV commercial, but I can’t remember what it was for.

I only think about it in terms of the local cannabis concern, where I have joined their exclusive club called Cannabis-plus. I was reluctant to join at first, because there is a monthly surcharge of twenty dollars to be a member. I came to see that it was a smart play financially, and would benefit me in many other ways. As a member of the cannabis-plus club, I get discounts on all of their products, from weed strains to glassware, from edibles to the newest flavors of shatter. Another benefit is free cannabis delivery on all orders. For non-members there is a surcharge, and a minimum purchase amount, but I get free delivery for everything, every time. I always make sure to tip my cannabis delivery driver, though, the membership doesn’t cover that part. Every week I receive an email from the cannabis dispensary explaining what new products they are receiving that week, so I have the chance to place them on hold. I get first choice on all new cannabis products, isn’t that amazing? I will also get a text message if there are any “flash” sales happening at the cannabis shop, which happens a few times per month. Even if I didn’t spend a lot of money on cannabis, it would still be worth paying for this service. It makes me feel like the most valued member of the cannabis dispensary team. Does your cannabis shop have a program like this?


Cannabis products