I think that recreational marijuana is an incredibly fun plant.
- I have been using recreational marijuana since I was 15 years old.
My friends and I used to go down to the football stadium and we would smoke a marijuana joint where no one could see us. Anytime we could sneak out of class, we would go to the football stadium to smoke a marijuana joint. Back then I was paying a street dealer for whatever the guy brought me at the time. Sometimes I got really good weed and other times it tasted like dirt. I was really happy when the state finally legalized recreational marijuana. Going to the dispensary was like being a kid in a candy store. There were so many different types of marijuana products. I wanted to try them all. Several of the products were way out of my price range, but everything was affordable. All of the products in the dispensary were also a lot more money than I was paying on the street. Everybody in my life knows that I like to smoke marijuana. It’s no secret at all. My family knows and even my mom and dad know. When I go to their house for a couple of days, they know that I am going to bring marijuana products. They never complain about me using marijuana when I am at their home. I go outside to be respectful. I don’t even smoke indoors inside of my own home. I’m really glad that my recreational marijuana use is not something that I have to hide from my parents as an adult.